Skilled Litigators With A Proven Record Of Results

Our Attorneys Can Help You Stand Up Against Workplace Discrimination

At Barrera & Associates, our attorneys have spent their careers fighting for workers whose rights have been violated. They understand that despite numerous laws and the actions of regulatory agencies, workplace discrimination is alive and well in Southern California, and the fight is never finished.

If you’ve been a victim of discrimination in the workplace or during the hiring process, contact our firm to discuss your case. We have a strong track record of success, both in and out of the courtroom, on behalf of clients who have faced similar hardships.

Examples Of Illegal Discrimination

Under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as well as several federal laws, it is illegal to discriminate against workers or job applicants based on a number of protected characteristics. Our attorneys are ready to advocate aggressively on your behalf if you’ve been a victim of:

These are most but not all of the characteristics protected under state and federal law. If you have concerns about the way you’ve been treated but aren’t sure you have a case, contact us to speak to one of our lawyers for free.

Discrimination Takes Many Forms

What does discrimination look like in the workplace? Any of the actions below could be discrimination if based on one of the previously mentioned protected characteristics:

  • Failure to hire or promote certain individuals or groups
  • Providing disparate treatment to employees based on things like race or gender
  • Receiving lower wages than others in doing the same work
  • Disparaging or negative comments and inappropriate jokes about a particular group
  • Unwelcome touching, threats or other actions that make you fear for your safety
  • Layoffs that disproportionately impact one group of employees over others (such as laying off all older workers but keeping younger ones)

It can be scary to take a stand against discrimination. You may not want to risk your job or your career by “rocking the boat.” But it is important to remember that discrimination already threatens your job/career and those of similar co-workers. Therefore, it is critical to assert your rights with the help of an experienced employment law attorney like those at our firm.

Tell Us Your Story And Discuss Next Steps

To take advantage of a free consultation about your employment law matter, contact Barrera & Associates, Attorneys in El Segundo, California. Just call 424-352-0716 or submit an online contact form. Se habla español.