Going to work should not cause you to be anxious, fearful or depressed. But, for some, it can be due to the way the employer handles issues at the workplace. Every employee in the country is protected from discrimination because of various laws that are in place. However, not all employers like to follow those laws. Today, we will discuss some common forms of workplace discrimination.
The most common form of workplace discrimination is that of retaliation, with this happening more than 48 percent of the time. The next closest on the scale is discrimination based on race, which occurs at just under 34 percent of the time.
Other occurrences of workplace discrimination include the following:
- Disability
- Sex
- Age
- National origin
- Religion
- Color
These are not the only ways that workers can experience discrimination while at work. Workers can face discrimination for pregnancy, genetic information, parenthood, having a physical disability, having a mental disability and being in a relationship with a person who might face discrimination.
In the search for a job, a candidate can still face discrimination. This happens when the employer suggests or states a preferred candidate in their job advertisements and excluding certain employees when the recruiting process is taking place. Employers can also discriminate against employees when assigning maternity or paternity leave and even when offering options for retirement.
When you face workplace discrimination, it is important to document as much evidence as possible. Make sure you do not do anything in retaliation to what you face, as this could hurt your chances at winning a claim against your employer.