The state of California has strict laws in place that protect employees from retaliation. Retaliation is unfavorable treatment that stems from a worker asserting their rights. Certain types of employment activities are protected. This means that you cannot face...
Employer Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
Does your boss have to fire you for a reason?
Losing your job significantly changes your financial future and the direction your life takes. As a result, it naturally feels unfair if you think that you have lost your job for no reason at all. You haven’t done anything wrong or made any mistakes, and you deserve...
What damages can you recover with a wrongful termination lawsuit?
Your termination may be “wrongful” l if your employer fired you for illegal reasons. These include retaliation for participating in a workplace-protected activity and firing based on discriminatory grounds. You can sue your employer if you believe you have been...
When is a firing or lay-off a wrongful termination?
Losing a job can be a major source of financial hardship. The average professional does not have enough in savings to cover months of unemployment between positions. Especially if someone works in a well-paid profession, finding a job that offers comparable wages and...
What constitutes workplace retaliation?
Workplace retaliation is when an employer takes negative action toward an employee in response to some type of formal complaint. For example, maybe the employee alleges that they are being sexually harassed by the CEO of the company. The CEO then fires that employee....
How can you tell if your employer is retaliating against you?
If your superiors mistreat you or you witness employer misconduct, you have the right to file a complaint or report. Unfortunately, some employers react inappropriately when employees exercise this and other rights. They may retaliate against the worker, which usually...
Can you be fired for making a complaint in the workplace?
It's very difficult to be in a situation where you witness something at work that you believe to be discrimination. Even though you know you should file a complaint because you don't want the behavior to continue, you hesitate because you're worried about what might...
Could employee conduct ruin an employer retaliation claim?
You exercised your rights and filed a complaint against your employer for wrongdoing (discrimination, safety violations, etc.). Unfortunately, your superiors mistreated you because of your complaint, and now you are pursuing an employment retaliation claim. Can...
How a California Senate bill can expand whistleblower protections
The protections provided by the California Whistleblower Protection Act could be expanded further if a bill currently in the California Senate makes it through both chambers of the legislature and is signed into law. The legislation, Senate Bill (SB) 947, would give...
You become a whistleblower when you won’t break the law
Many people don't understand whistleblower protections. There are a lot of myths floating around about whistleblowing that affect who speaks up and also who gets the protection offered by federal whistleblower laws. One coming misconception about whistleblower...