Every workplace in California is supposed to offer the same opportunities to people of all ages, races, genders, etc. Discrimination is illegal, but it still happens, and employees need to know what to watch out for. One potential issue is when workplace roles do not appear fair.
For instance, maybe your boss hires both men and women at a roughly equal rate. That seems fair, but take a look at the jobs those people are given. Perhaps the men become supervisors and quickly work up the corporate ladder. The women, meanwhile, just get dead-end jobs answering phones and doing secretarial work. While the gender breakdown of the office is equal, it is clear that both genders are not being treated equally.
Another red flag is when people get passed over for promotions. For instance, perhaps an Africa-American worker applies for a promotion with 10 years of experience and a college degree. A white worker also applies for the promotion, with just a high school diploma and five years of experience. If that promotion goes to the clearly less-qualified worker, that can be a problem. This is especially true if it happens repeatedly and members of a protected class realize that they have no chance to actually advance their careers.
Do you feel like workplace discrimination has ruined your career or negatively impacted your professional life? Remember, even though it is illegal, it is still fairly common. You need to make sure you understand all available legal options, especially when your employer tries to deny your allegations and hide their discriminatory actions.