In employment situations, the glass ceiling is a metaphor. It simply illustrates the idea that it is more difficult for some workers to climb the corporate ladder. They feel trapped at a lower level within the hierarchy of the company as if they are being held back by...
El Segundo Employment Law Blog
Does your boss have to fire you for a reason?
Losing your job significantly changes your financial future and the direction your life takes. As a result, it naturally feels unfair if you think that you have lost your job for no reason at all. You haven’t done anything wrong or made any mistakes, and you deserve...
How do you spot age discrimination at work?
Imagine showing up to work, ready to tackle the day's tasks, only to hear subtle whispers and receive skeptical glances from colleagues and supervisors alike. You've been with the company for years, consistently delivering high-quality results, but you can't shake the...
Does sexual harassment require physical touch?
One reason that so many perpetrators get away with workplace sexual harassment is that so much goes unreported. People who suffer it might assume an employer won’t take it seriously, perhaps because there was no physical contact involved. Sexual harassment without...
How could an employment lawsuit affect my future job prospects?
When you are employed, disputes may arise with your employer. Under certain conditions, they could lead to a lawsuit. If you find yourself involved in an employment lawsuit, it's natural to worry about how this turn of events might impact your future job prospects. In...
Can your employer forbid you from discussing your wages?
A lot of people do not like to discuss how much they earn. Some think it is vulgar, while others fear reprisal from their employer for doing so. Some might even have signed an employment contract that forbids them from discussing their wages California labor law is...
What damages can you recover with a wrongful termination lawsuit?
Your termination may be “wrongful” l if your employer fired you for illegal reasons. These include retaliation for participating in a workplace-protected activity and firing based on discriminatory grounds. You can sue your employer if you believe you have been...
Is sexism worse in the tech industry?
The tech industry has a problem with women – even though a lot of high-tech companies promote themselves as beacons of innovation and progress. A recent $15 million settlement by Snapchat Inc. over its discriminatory treatment of female employees in California only...
Denied reasonable accommodation? You can take action
Workers of California have the right to reasonable accommodation. Employees with disabilities must be able to seek working conditions that uplift them without fear of discrimination or retaliation. An employer could deny a requests if they can prove it would get in...
When can employers refuse to accommodate medical challenges?
A worker's medical challenges typically do not prevent them from contributing to a company's success. Especially when an employee has experience in a certain position or the required education for a role at a company, a medical issue might not actually be the main...