If you are an older worker in America, you are protected by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. This act makes sure that you are not discriminated against due to being 40 or older.
In 2021, many workers lost their jobs due to the dip in the economy. What is worse, one article points out, is that many of those workers won’t be back in the future. According to one claim, there were 2.7 million jobs available for workers under the age of 55, while those over 55 had only 28,000 potential positions.
How is that possible? Many older workers are being pushed out of the job due to a lack of opportunities. This may be discriminatory in a sense, because the economy’s struggles have resulted in businesses trying to get workers who can take less to come work for them. Entry-level workers tend to earn less than seasoned employees, so older workers may be out of the running for a position based on their earning capacity alone.
In an environment where it’s necessary to reduce expenditures, it makes sense that businesses would let go of higher-earning employees and hire new people who can be paid less. Unfortunately, many of the workers who earn more are actually 55 and older. Those as young as their 30s may be victims of ageism.
Getting rid of middle-management positions, which was partially spurred by work-at-home arrangements, also cuts out jobs usually held by those with at least 20 years of experience. This tends to be people between the ages of 45 and 65.
Age discrimination is a concern for those 40 and older
Age discrimination has to be on your mind if you’re struggling to find work or have been terminated from one of your roles due to your age or experience level. There is a fine line between saving money for a company and making decisions based on age or tenure. It is reasonable for you to look into your legal options if you believe you’ve been discriminated against due to being an older worker. You deserve to be treated fairly in any workplace.