Across all industries, many members of the El Segundo, California workforce regularly experience workplace sexual harassment. From lewd remarks to inappropriate touching to unwanted advances, such harassment takes many forms.
Just the same, many victims never speak up. Why? In general, people simply do not believe that acting against harassment will yield a satisfactory solution. They think that making a formal report or filing a claim will go nowhere. Many victims also fear that seeking a legal solution could put them at risk for retaliation by a boss or coworker.
Why is it wise to seek a remedy?
Lawmakers across the country have finally come to understand the damage workplace sexual harassment causes. For example, it contributes to a hostile work environment and interferes with employee production. It may also lead to a high rate of worker turnover.
As such, those who choose to stand against sexual harassment at work have an excellent chance of resolving their circumstances. In turn, this helps prevent others from suffering a similar experience. Legal action also holds employers to account for allowing harassment to continue.
What can you do about workplace sexual harassment?
The bottom line is you do not have to accept any form of mistreatment in the workplace. First, keep a record of the unwanted activities. Next, tell your harasser to stop the behaviors. If that fails, follow the procedures outlined by your place of employment. If no formal process for addressing harassment exists, report the problem to your supervisor.
If the steps above fail to resolve the situation, it is probably time to consider litigation to address the problem. Our attorneys know that this is frightening to most people so, we usually recommend seeking advocacy and protection from an experienced lawyer. If successful, you can help end workplace sexual harassment and may even walk away from your experience with financial compensation.
Read more on this topic by continuing to review our blog and website, and please feel free to contact us directly about your situation.