Do you have a boss who tells racially-fueled jokes? In many cases, people are exposed to these jokes as they grow up and may not understand or realize just how offensive they are. They think that these are just the type of jokes that people tell.
That does not make it right and it does not make it legal. These jokes can create a hostile work environment. If you’re offended by them, especially if you’re part of the race that is being made into the brunt of those jokes, that’s an infringement on your rights. You do not deserve to be treated that way while you are on the job.
Unwanted conduct
These jokes could also qualify as harassment. The government defines harassment as unwanted conduct. In this context, it can be focused on many protected classes: age, disability, race, gender, etc. When one person is singled out because of their inclusion in one of these groups, that can be detrimental to their life and ability to work.
Certainly, being made to listen to these demeaning and inappropriate jokes can be seen as unwanted conduct. This only becomes more problematic if the jokes are distinctly made at your expense. Furthermore, the fact that someone in a position of power feels comfortable telling these jokes must make you question how equal your standing in the company really is.
What now?
If you have been harassed or discriminated against at work, it’s time to look into your legal options. Never assume that there is nothing that you can do or that this is treatment you have to endure.