People who work for an employer have the right to get paid what they are due. Federal and California laws set specific standards for these individuals. It’s imperative that you know what you should be paid so that you can ensure it happens. If you aren’t paid what you should be, you can take legal action to get what you’re due.
The State of California has a two-phase minimum wage that’s based on the number of employees a company has. If the company has at least 26 employees, they must pay employees at least $12 per hour. Companies with fewer employees than that must pay at least $11 per hour. These are the base minimum wage requirements.
Employees who work more than 40 hours per week must be paid at a rate of at least 1.5 times their normal hourly rate. This overtime rate is also required if they work more than eight hours in a single day, but only applies to the work that’s done beyond the eight-hour mark. Employees who work more than 12 hours must be paid at two times their normal hourly rate for the time beyond the twelfth hour.
Employees should keep track of the time they work. Remember, you must also track the time that you’re taking breaks during your shift. If you find that your employer is shorting your hours or paying you less than what’s required, speaking to an attorney who’s familiar with these cases can help you find out the options that you have, so you can try to get the compensation you deserve.