If you ever find yourself reporting an unethical or illegal action in the workplace, you are protected under federal whistleblower laws. This means that your employer is not allowed to retaliate against you in any way. Today, we will discuss the most common forms of employer retaliation employees experience in California.
If you have a disability or mental impairment, your employer cannot retaliate against you for filing a complaint for disability discrimination. The same goes for filing a complaint about an unsafe workplace, sexual harassment, medical or family leave, race discrimination, age discrimination, gender discrimination or any other protected status.
The most common forms of workplace retaliation include the following:
- Being demoted
- Having job duties changed
- Reduction in pay
- Reduction in hours scheduled to work
- Being harassed
- Being fired
- Being transferred to another department
- Being passed over for a deserved promotion
- Suspended
- Excluded from meetings you typically attend
It’s important to note that it’s not just your employer who can retaliate against you for filing a complaint. Your co-workers can also retaliate against you, especially if you filed a complaint against them. Your employer is required to protect you from any type of retaliation in the workplace, including retaliation conducted by a co-worker or other employee.
Make sure you document every instance of retaliation or what you think might be retaliation so that it can be used as evidence when you file a claim against your employer.
It is illegal for your employer to retaliate against you for blowing the whistle on an illegal or unethical practice. Thousands of lawsuits are filed every year by employees who claim retaliation by their employer.