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How employers can track your hours worked

Tracking hours worked is a task that many employees wind up having to do when it should be the employer who handles it. Why? Employers are required to track the hours worked by their employees, so they make the appropriate payments, including overtime payments to employees who are eligible. Let’s take a look at how employers can track your hours.

Employers should be the ones tracking employee hours. Even though the employee might be required to clock in and out using a time clock application or another piece of software, all of the tracking on the back-end should be done by the employer. The employee should only have to worry about clocking in and out and nothing else.

There are still companies out there that require employees to clock in and out using a paper timesheet. This can lead to wage and hour claims because timesheets can easily be lost, forged or mishandled. If your company has not moved away from the paper timesheet, you should make a photocopy of each one you submit at the end of every week.

Time-tracking software is a great way for companies to reduce the risk of not paying employees their proper wages or their overtime wages. A software program that tracks your hours should ensure that your paycheck is correct every pay period unless you forgot to clock in or out at some point during the week.

The tracking of hours worked is important for both employers and employees because proper tracking can help avoid wage and hour claims. But, when a mistake is made, it’s important to notify your employer and then protect your rights should they deny you the appropriate payment.

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