When you go to work in the morning you don’t expect to be the victim of sexual harassment. The sad fact, however, is that even with laws and procedures in place to protect employees, it still happens.
Sometimes, people don’t even realize that what they’re experiencing is sexual harassment. You need to be on the lookout for the following workplace sexual harassment signs in order to protect yourself and your co-workers.
The most common sign of sexual harassment is when you feel uncomfortable around someone else in the office because of the language they use when speaking to you or around you. Sexual language should never be used in a workplace setting.
Another sign of sexual harassment is when you receive inappropriate emails or text messages that contain sexually explicit language or images. This includes sexual jokes. Ask the perpetrator to stop. If they do not, report the issue to a supervisor.
Do you feel uncomfortable reporting sexual harassment to a supervisor or to the human resources department? If so, this can be a sign of sexual harassment in and of itself.
Do you fear retaliation if you complain about someone’s behavior in the workplace? There are laws in place that protect whistleblowers from all forms of retaliation.
Many employees in all kinds of workplaces face sexual harassment on a daily basis from their supervisors, co-workers, vendors and others whom they come in contact with at work. If you have been victimized, you should speak to an experienced attorney about your situation so that you can determine what your options are.